Gifts and Donations

Gifts to the Library
The Library welcomes honor or memorial book requests from the community. Patrons must supply the name of the person to be honored or memorialized, provide family notification information, and give their own name and address. Payment may be made at the time of the request or the patron may be billed. A book of lasting value will be purchased, a bookplate inserted in the book, and the family notified about the honor or memorial book request.

The Clyde Public Library accepts donations of items to the collections on an "as needed" basis and reserves the right to sell or otherwise dispose of donated materials not used. The following guidelines apply:

  • The Library will accept items in good condition only.
  • Magazines, Encyclopedias, and Reader's Digest Condensed Books are generally not accepted.
  • Donated items are inspected and will not be accepted if they are mildewed, worn, or have sustained smoke or water damage.
  • Patrons wishing to receive written acknowledgement of their donation should supply their name, address and the number of books. 
  • Library staff will not appraise or indicate a value for the donation.

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