Meeting Room Policy

The Clyde Public Library Board of Trustees strives to make the Library’s meeting room available to the community free of charge whenever possible. The Board has established the following rules for the use of the meeting room:

  • Any organization willing to abide by the Library’s rules may book the meeting room on a first come first served basis.
  • All meetings must be open to the public.
  • For free use of the meeting room, no collection may be taken or admission charged. If fees are collected, the person or organization will pay the Library a fee of $30.00 in advance for the use of the meeting room, except for when the room is used for tutoring students. In this case no fee will be charged.
  • Persons or organizations using the meeting room are responsible for setting up and taking down tables and chairs.
  • Individuals may not use the Library's audiovisual equipment for entertainment purposes.
  • No posters, advertisements, decorations, etc., may be pinned or taped to the meeting room walls, ceiling, doors, or posts.
  • The meeting room must be left neat. If the kitchen area is used, it must be cleaned and trash removed.
  • If a meeting in the room lasts beyond the Library’s normal closing time, necessitating extra-time pay for a staff member to stay and secure the building, a fee of $15.00 will be charged up to one hour past closing time. The Library Director must know one week in advance of a scheduled meeting if a staff member is required for extra time.
  • No smoking, or use of alcohol or drugs is permitted.
  • The Library’s own meetings, both for staff and the public, will be given priority in reserving the meeting room.
  • The Clyde Public Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to limit the use of the meeting room according to the discretion of the Library Director.

Adopted by the Clyde Public Library Board of Trustees on July 12, 1993.

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